Sestdiena, 20. aprīlis, Pirmās Lieldienas.Varda dienas: Mirta, Ziedīte

Vienas ģimenes stāsts Īrijā

- 12.03.2015

IMG_9141Lasītāja raksts
Saņēmām piedāvājumu strādāt Īrijā, latviešu uzņēmēju dibinātā maizes uzņēmumā Four Grains. Katrs atbraucām dažādos laikos, cits ātrāk, cits vēlāk. Ģimenē visi esam maiznieki ar lielu darba stāžu. Pirms atbraukšanas, pēc mūsu pieprasījuma iepazināmies ar darba līgumu, tika atbildēts uz mūsu neskaidrajiem jautājumiem.

Pirmos mēnešus strādājām bez līguma, par mums netika maksāti nodokļi, jutāmies, ka tādi bēgļi. Mums paskaidroja, ka tas tāpēc, ka formalitātes Īrijā kārtojas ļoti lēnām – PPS u.t.t.. Sākotnēji nekas neliecināja, ka būsim vergu lomā, ka kaut kas tāds šajos laikos ir iespējams, lai gan bija dzirdēti dažādi nostāsti. Tikām brīdināti, ka nedrīkstam ārpus darba telpām runāt par algu un darba stundām, ka šeit tas nav pieņemts. Mums tika apmaksātas avio biļetes un iedoti naudas līdzekļi iztikai, kuri pēc tam bija jāatdod. Strādājām smagas un fiziski grūtas maiņas, arī nakts maiņas, dažreiz līdz pat 17 stundām, piecas dienas nedēļā, dažreiz 6 dienas nedēļā. Katra darbinieka alga bija 50 EUR dienā, neatkarīgi no nostrādātajām stundām. Mums netika maksāts par pārstrādātajām stundām, par nakts stundām, par svētku dienām, netika maksāts Bank Holidays, atvaļinājuma nauda. Uz mūsu jautājumiem un iebildumiem, darba devēji atbildēja, ka viņi pašreiz nevar maksāt vairāk, ka mazliet jāpaciešas, lai paceļam pasūtījumu un kvalitāti, tad arī pacels algas. Katru mēnesi darba devēju rīkotajās sapulcēs darbiniekiem, mēs jautājām, kad tiks paceltas algas, kad mainīsies attieksme, jo jūtamies kā vergi. Mēs 100% atdevām sevi darbā, ziedojām veselību, zināšanas, pieredzi, lai attīstītu viņu biznesu līdz tādam līmenim, kāds viņš ir šobrīd, ar daudz ieviestām jaunām maizes receptēm. Bijām uzticīgi līdz pēdējai darba dienai, jo viņi solīja, jo mēs ticējām. Bija tādi brīži, kad bija jāuzklausa pazemojumi, apmelojumi, pat rupjības un lamu vārdi, ka neko nemākam, ka mūs atlaidīs no darba un viņi parūpēsies par to, lai darbu nekur vairs neatrodam. Un, ja vēlēsimies kādam sūdzēties, neko nepanāksim, jo šeit tādi jau ir strādājuši, kuri, tāpat kā mēs no sākums esam bijuši apmierināti ar visu, bet laika gaitā esot sākuši izvirzīt savas prasības.

No grāmatvedības puses visi papīri bija kārtībā, arī algas lapiņās tika uzrādītas minimālās darba stundas un attiecīgā darba minimālā alga, atvaļinājuma nauda un Bank Holidays. Uz algas lapiņām bija jāparakstās un jāraksta teksts, ka esam saņēmuši visu summu. Nokārtojām bankas kontu, lai algu ieskaita kontā, bet darba devēji uzskatīja par pienākumu maksāt algu aploksnēs – 50 EUR pa dienu.

Gāja laiks, sapratām, ka nekas nemainās, attieksme bija neizturama, tādēļ vērsāmies pie NERA un SIPTU pēc palīdzības. Sapratām, ka mūsu dienas darbā ir skaitītas, tomēr cerējām, ka kāds mums spēs palīdzēt. Iesniedzām pierādījumus, kurus cītīgi bijām vākuši un sākās izmeklēšanas no iepriekš minētām iestādēm. Viņi atrada daudz pārkāpumu un tika ierosināta krimināllieta un notika tiesa pret Four Grains. Kad darba devēji uzzināja, kuri viņus ir nodevuši, sākās draudi un diskriminācija un mūs vienu pēc otru atlaida no darba.
Piebildīšu, ka divi no mūsu ģimenes esam atraduši labus darbus un esam laimīgi un šis atgadījums mūs kā ģimeni vēl vairāk satuvināja.
Tiesu vinnējām un jau sākot ar 20. martu bijušie darba devēji sāks neizmaksātās algas izmaksu.

Linda Ludannaja, Zaiga Fišmeistere, Lana Fišmeistere un Aivo Srauhs


  1. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Dear Andris
    1. Your first phrase is a proof you are suffering from latent homophobia.
    I want kindly remind you, my dear, that my appearance is not subject of this discussion.
    I suggest we discuss it separately face to face.

    2. Contracts, papers, money – it’s all for 19th March 2015 court hearing. And Judge decision.
    I already read it 100 times in endless comments. Tell us something new.

    If not, I will tell you.
    The family in question did not reply to my 9 queries, so I decided find all answers myself.
    But their replies are welcome anytime.
    First, some interesting facts:

    • I was contacted well-known in Latvia baking technologist. It was confirmed that all bread recipes were designed by this person for Four Grains.
    • From Article: “Ģimenē visi esam maiznieki ar lielu darba stāžu”- All members of our family are bakers with huge experience”.
    In reality, Mr Aivo Strauhs did not have any experience in baking before being employed by Four Grains.
    Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere and Ms Lana Fišmeistere were employed by Venspils Maiznieks for a very short time. Ms Linda Ludannaja worked at as Venspils Maiznieks a forewoman and she had nothing to do with baking technology as she claimed.After conflict with management Ms Linda Ludannaja was demoted and later she had to leave.
    I am leaving you to think as I have my own agenda now – to meet few people and enjoy evening in the alleged capital of modern slavery.

  2. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Personally for Mr A Andruss
    As suggested in my previous comment I would be happy to meet you up from 23d of March 2015 in quiet place for further discussion of my appearance in details.
    I would be delighted to see you and to teach you good manners. Dublin suit me fine.
    See you soon, my dear.

  3. David King - UNITED KINGDOM saka:

    Dear Sergey,
    I never expected for anyone to analyse my little comment to such extent. Got to say I’m a little impressed by your efforts :)
    Nevertheless… I thought I made my point clear enough. By saying “Without knowing all the details…” I meant details relevant to matter discussed in article to lead us to true and full story. To call them facts and evidence is everybody`s preference. I meant the same thing.
    And “…I`m supporting the family involved for my own reasons”… At the moment they are subjective impressions from the article and I have to say, a while ago (years) through friends of friends I heard that the job and appreciation wasn`t quite what was promised. From all that I believe that the family was lead on with false promises and they efforts and contribution weren`t appreciated fairly. As you see, I don`t know all that many facts and I`m not “shutting the case”.
    From your comments looks like you`re defending the business, but please keep an open mind to both party’s. Business world as any others can be tough for all sides involved. I`m sure most of us would not want to destroy or even harm in any way somebody for “malicious and dirty reasons”.
    Please keep us updated with the facts and evidence you`ll find in relation to this drama.

    I`m glad you followed my advice to have a wonderful day and I hope you succeeded. And I wish for everyone to have even better and more pleasant day tomorrow ;)

  4. David King - UNITED KINGDOM saka:

    Also Dear Sergey,
    May I ask you, are you related in any way to either side or are you just curious commentator?

  5. Cienījamo Sergey, grūti spriest, kādēļ Jūs no sava vārda rakstāt sieviešu dzimtē, taču tā ir Jūsu izvēle… 
    Jūs pārmetat komentētājiem emocijas, bet visos šajos trīs pēdējos pātaros, neko citu, ka vienīgi emocijas bez jebkādiem faktiem es tur atrast nevarēju… 
    Varbūt vienkārši, lai arī cilvēkiem no malas, bet ne tikai šīm divām iesaistītajām pusēm, kas lasa šo portālu būtu priekšstats par konflikta būtību, Jūs īsi un skaidri bez emocijām varētu izskaidrot savu pozīciju, izejot no faktiem?  Mani kā portāla lasītāju un Four Grains produkcijas lietotāju interesē atbildes uz konkrētiem jautājumiem. Ja iespējams, lūdzu atbildiet pēc iespējas īsāk un konkrētāk. 
    1) Vai darba līgums ar konkrētajām personām tika noslēgts pirmajā darba dienā, jeb vismaz pirmā mēneša laikā?
    2)Vai Jūs maksājāt nodokļus par šiem cilvēkiem kopš pirmās viņu darba dienas?
    3) Vai Jūs šīm personām iedevāt vēstuli kā darba devēji un vēstuli, kas apstiprina viņu dzīvesvietu, lai viņi varētu atvērt sev PPS numuru? 
    4) Vai jūs pieņēmāt darbā cilvēkus, kuriem nav PPS numura?
    5) Vai viņi Jums atdeva naudu par lidmašīnas biļetēm un iztikas naudu, kuru Jūs iedevāt viņiem sākumā? Cik liela bija šī summa?
    6) Cik liela bija stundas likme, kuru Jūs viņiem maksājāt un kādas bija viņu darba stundas? 
    7) Kādēļ Jūs neizmatojat iespēju ar faktiem atspēkot šo Jūsu kompāniju apmelojošo rakstu šajā portālā, ievietojot atbildes vēstuli ? 

    Ar cieņu,


  6. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Dear All Commentators

    Dear Jaanis

    Thank you for your reply and good wishes.

    So, following my meeting in Tullamore , I’ve met few people. Below short is summary of information I’ve got.

    Versions to consider:

    1. Employment dispute
    The employer and the ex-employees did not meet each other expectations and could not part in friendly intelligent manner. As contracts with ex-employees were not extended and, subsequently, they had to leave Four Grains, they decided to bring to court their claims. It’s perfectly allowable if they gave 100% truthful evidence. But looking at hateful and rude comments Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies, I’ve got very strong impression that something else except money involved in this claim. May be, some sort of revenge.
    2. Version No 2 -Raider seizure.
    This case is perfect tactic to bring Four Grains to bankruptcy and obtain Four Grains assets at a small price. Company is suffering with Legal Fees, Directors are putting enormous effort to defend their business and themselves etc. Anybody, who ever dealt with Raider seizure will tell you that this chain of events could be traced in large amount of bankruptcy cases.
    Employees, I talked yesterday, said that they heard Linda screaming in Bakery premises that she would organise Four Grains’ bankruptcy and “bring them to cleaners”, i e would left their business and them personally with no money.
    By the way, Ms Linda Ludannaja currently employed on part time basis as a cleaner. (It’s answer to my question No 6 from my first comment (as you can see, I have find answers to my questions myself as Mr Aivo Strauhs and their Ladies do not answer any of my 9 questions.
    Mr Aivo Strauhs after leaving Four Grains was a bin man, currently works at incinerated plant (landfill).
    So, if anybody is not satisfied with their job, you know where to get job which would make you happy.
    Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere and Ms Lana Fišmeistere are not able to find any job after they left Four Grains and are unemployed for the year. Both of them are living on DSP payments (dole).

    IMFO, that Four Grains (and other employers) should be penalised for bringing employees from outside of Ireland and increase burden on Department of Social Protection as I believe that all these social welfare payments will be paid for years and years. And the source of these payments – taxes deducted from our wages. I am wondering: why with their excellent experience and passion for “delicious Latvian bread” Mr Aivo Strauhs and could not find job at bakeries?
    I know that they claims that they tried, but Four Grains gave them “Bad references” over the phone but could not name any potential employer who intended to take them for work.
    May be Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies will be more successful if they go back to Latvia and find work there, using they skill set and experience in bakery industry? I suggest that Four Grains must pay for air tickets (one way) for them and their children to facilitate for Mr Aivo Strauhs, his Ladies and children to conditions they deserve .

    So, back to our version – No 2 – Raider seizure.
    Remember, that Four Grains has not only tangible but also intangible assets (Bread recipes, designed specifically for Four Grains, which are“know-how” of the company and have high price) .So, it’s a treasure for potential raiders: bring Four Grains to bankruptcy, buy their assets at a small price, change signboard – and vu a la – they are owners of good business.
    By the way, few people already hinted about it in their comment.

    3. Version No 3 – Competitors.
    I don’t want to name a bakery which recently started baking Latvian bread but has not success entering the Irish market. So, this article and case could be effective (but dirty) marketing strategy as it lead to Damage Four Grains’ image and remove their production from the market.
    In support of version No 3 – look for comments saying : “I will never to buy Four Grains and suggested to boycott ( ie do not buy Four Grains’ bread to other Commentators)” and variations of it . IMFO, I want to decide for myself what to buy and what not to buy.

    4. Version No 4 -Conspiracy .
    I was hinted with conspiracy version involved one of Four Grains’ directors (unmarried handsome man) who felt that night work required his direct supervision, long-long night shifts and big black leather sofa in the 1st floor office.

    If it’s true, IMFO – money which due for unpaid night shifts must be paid from this Director’s pocket , rather from Four Grains’ funds.

    Facts: This director in question lived with his girlfriend in Dublin apartment for a few years. Suddenly, she broke up engagement and left Ireland leaving no forward address. All friends of this couple were shocked. When I traced her in Italy (one of her Dublin based friend assisted me)and phoned her today, asking if she aware about current situation in Four Grains, she calmly said that she put Irish period of her life behind her and has nothing more to say. She added she wishes all of us the best and hung up.

    Jaanis, I have few interesting things to share with you and other Commentators who follow my small investigation, but I have to go to another meeting shortly and I intend to answer Ilza’s query.

    P.S. Thank you again for good wishes – I feel it’s really work out for me.

  7. Njā… šajā stāstā vēl tikai mosonu sazvērestības teorijas pietrūka… Four Grains, nupat jau Jūs paliekat vnk smieklīgi…. 

  8. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Dear Ms Linda Ludannaja, Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere, Ms Lana Fišmeistere and Mr Aivo Strauhs

    Dear Commentators
    Dear Ilze
    Thank for you valuable contribution to the discussion.
    Let me start from your question No 7.
    Before I joined the discussion I phoned Four Grains and asked them why they did not place their letter in reply of the Article signed by Ms Linda Ludannaja, Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere, Ms Lana Fišmeistere and Mr Aivo Strauhs. They said: “They are not in position to comment until the case is finalised.When the case is finished we will give our view on the conflict with ex-employees in question”.
    Dear Ilze, I slightly changed your questions to be addressed to ex-employees in question and let’s together ask Ms Linda Ludannaja, Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere, Ms Lana Fišmeistere and Mr Aivo Strauhs to answer your 6 questions in concise and strictly to point manner first. And when Four Grans will be in position to comment – I am sure, they will answer your questions. As the result we will be able to compare answers of both sides.
    So, dear Ms Linda Ludannaja, Ms Zaiga Fišmeistere, Ms Lana Fišmeistere and Mr Aivo Strauhs, we are waiting for your answers to the following questions:

    1) Does the contract of employment with the persons concerned have been concluded on the first working day, or at least the first month?
    I had to change to :
    Did Four Grain give you Statement of Employment within 2 months you started working for them?
    Because The Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994-2001 provide that employees must be given a statement, signed by the employer, of certain of their terms and conditions of employment within 2 months of their employment.

    2) Did Four Grains pay taxes on you since the first days of their work?
    I would add in order to establish exact start/finish date for ex-employees in question:
    • When you started working for Four Grains?
    • When you left this company?

    3) Do you’ve given them a letter as employers and the letter confirming their place of residence, so that they can open themselves PPS number?
    I edited to :
    3. Did Four Grains give you a letter confirming your place of work that you can open themselves PPS number ? Who filled for you application for PPS number? Did you go to SW office yourself with somebody?”

    Because Four Grains should not give them the letter confirming their place of residence but ex-employees landlord.

    4) Did you worked for Four Grains without PPS Number?
    5) Did Four Grain give you money for : on airline tickets and subsistence money, How much was the amount? Did you pay them back for everything they bought for you?
    6) How much you were your hourly rate and what you get paid for for your working hours?

    I wish to get your permission to add only one question to your list:

    • Did Four Grains assist you in any way? I mean – find an accommodation, give their guarantee to your landlord; went to school with you in order to translate you in organizing places for your children?
    Because I understand some of you had very little English or no English at all.

    And repeat one question from my previous comment:

    I feel confused reading in Mr Aivo Strauhs’ comments that case was completed and Four Grains settled their claims.
    Mr Strauhs and Ladies – WHY you published this article BEFORE your court case is finalized?
    I have to admit: I know why they did it, but I will publish it ONLY AFTER Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies TELL US why they did it.

    Yours sincerely
    P.S. I feel very strange that Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies stopped putting any more comments. What do you think: what the reason they behave in this way??

  9. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Dear Ilze

    I really appreciate your last comment published 18 March 1.37pm.
    If you had good laugh – I am delighted.
    Please admit, it’s better to read my comments than endless posts full of rudeness, insults, curses or look at lines full endless mindless little faces.
    Do you remember that once Nerone said: “Give people brad and entertainment”
    We already have bread in place; I am just adding second part of Nerone’s recipe.

    But I am a little bit sad because you said nothing about contradictive statements from comments of ex-employees in questions; about them giving misleading information about their previous experience and skill set to Four Grains; or other facts which putting under question the nature of their claims.
    But I hope the rest of readers uncomfortable

    Let’s be kind to each other and open-minded in following this drama as suggested Jaanis.

    Warm regards and Best wishes


  10. Cienījamais Sergey, mani interesēja konkrēti Four Grains atbilde uz šiem jautājumiem, jo vēstules autoru viedoklis, izlasot šo vēstuli un komentārus,  man ir skaidrs. Es vēlējos salīdzināt šīs atbildes, lai pati priekš sevis izdarītu secinājumus. Man absolūti nav nekādas vēlmes un tiesības būt šeit par tiesnesi – tā ir mana personīgā iniciatīva, jo , kā jau rakstīju, es šādus cilvēkus, kas cieš no darba devēju visatļautības, zinu diezgan daudz… un diemžēl, visbiežāk, tas notiek ar cilvēkiem, kas nezin angļu valodu, jeb tā ir sliktā līmenī, kā arī nezin savas tiesības. Var jau viņiem pārmest angļu valodas neprasmi, un savu tiesību nezināšanu, bet to izmantot savā labā, vienkārši nav godīgi…  tas ir jautājums pie katra paša sirdsapziņas. 
    Par tiem  jautājumiem. Es pieņemu šos dažus Jūsu labojumus saistībā ar kontraktu, jo tiešām pēc likuma kontrakts ir jānoslēdz pirmo divu mēnešu laikā, nevis mēneša laikā, kā minēju iepriekš.
    Par Landlorda vēstuli priekš PPS numura. Es nezinu šos apstākļus, tādēļ uzdevu jautājumu tā, kā es to izpratu, jo pēc komentāriem iznāca tā, ka darba devēji ar visu viņus bija nodrošinājuši, tai skaitā ar dzīvesvietu. 
    Jūs no savas puses, protams, pievienot savus jautājumus, taču es ļoti labprāt iztiktu bez emociju uzplūdiem, bet saņemtu konkrētas atbildes.
    To, ka darba devēji šai ģimenei ir palīdzējuši atbraukt un iekārtoties, domāju, ka neviens nenoliedz. Problēma, manuprāt, ir tajā, vai pateicībā par šo palīdzību , konkrētajai ģimenei ir jāmaksā par to ar tik zemu atlīdzību par savu darbu .

  11. Sergey, atbildot uz Jūsu pēdējo komentāru , es gribu Jums tikai teikt, ka es nudien izlasīju tikai kādu 1/3 daļu no visiem šiem iepriekšējiem komentāriem – man nav absolūti nekādas vēlmes lasīt šos savstarpējos personīgos apvainojumus no abām pusēm. Tieši tā iemesla dēļ es  arī Jums lūdzu iztikt bez emocijām un pieturēties pie faktiem. 
    Paldies par sapratni!

  12. Sergey - IRELAND saka:

    Dear Ilze
    Thank you for your last two comments and your confidence in me. I actually, not only read all comments, but also analyse their content, patterns and hints.
    I have to switch to another assignment but I am preparing new material about this Drama as well. I hope you and other commentators won’t be disappointed with it.
    In my turn I kindly ask you to remind to Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies to reply to our questions in concise and timely manner. Because it’s VERY important that we get their answers first, i e before Four Grains give their answers.
    Replying to these questions Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies have a chance point out what Four Grains done wrong to them.
    If Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies reply to these harmless questions , we should think what is the reason for it.

    1. Did Four Grain give you Statement of Employment within 2 months you started working for them?

    2. Did Four Grains pay taxes on you since the first days of your work?
    • When you started working for Four Grains?
    • When you left this company?

    3. Did Four Grains give you a letter confirming your place of work that you can open themselves PPS number ? Who filled for you application for PPS number? Did you go to SW office yourself with somebody?”

    4. Did you worked for Four Grains without PPS Number?

    5. Did Four Grain give you money for : on airline tickets and subsistence money, How much was the amount? Did you pay them back for everything they bought for you?
    6. How much you were your hourly rate and what you get paid for for your working hours?

    7 Did Four Grains assist you in any way? I mean – find an accommodation, give their guarantee to your landlord; went to school with you in order to translate you in organizing places for your children?
    Because I understand some of you had very little English or no English at all.

    8. Mr Strauhs and Ladies – WHY you published this article BEFORE your court case is finalized?
    I have to admit: I know why they did it, but I will publish it ONLY AFTER Mr Aivo Strauhs and his Ladies TELL US why they did it.

    Yours sincerely

  13. Sergey, man Jūsu pozīcija ir skaidra. Paldies par atbildi! 

  14. David King - UNITED KINGDOM saka:

    Dear Commentators
    Dear Sergey
    Looks like you was busy on your trip to Tullamore. Have you
    had any time to enjoy the city itself? :) Is it worth visiting?
    You proposed some interesting versions to consider… Did you meet anyone from the opposite side (the family or representative), too?
    Versions 2, 3 and 4 seems most unlikely to me. Wouldn’t make sense to be talking/writing about it in public forums. And those would be unbelievably naughty steps to make. (trying not to be rude)
    The first version looks more realistic in my eyes. It could of been some kind of dispute at work place wich just kept growing and growing and never got talked through and resolved in professional manner. I don`t know… Don`t think it was much more that that.
    Also… I do realize that the justice system as any other systems could be faulty at times, but what are the odds…? That`s strong point to consider. And if they won the case (?(to be confirmed – got mixed messages)), obviously they had enough facts and evidence against Four Grains.
    In the article it says that the bakery is going to start paying unpaid salaries. It doesn`t say anything about other compensations or fines. It doesn`t look like they are asking for too much if they are the victims (could it really bring the business down to bankruptcy or cripple them that much?)
    Why aren’t they answering our questions…? Maybe they are upset from some negative and sarcastic comments? Maybe they feel that they don`t need to prove their innocence twice… Maybe they had a problem (dispute or whatever else at work), they dealt with it (court and other related things) and made this little article as a conclusion from their point of view. Case closed, move on. Could be other reasons.
    We could be like barking dogs left behind :D
    Or we might get more of the story later on (after 20th March ?).

    I hope the true justice is/will be served and the victims will be rewarded whoever they are. Don`t want to wish anything bad to other side, but i`m sure they`ll get their punishment, too.

    At this stage the victims seems to be the family and my best wishes goes to them. Hope you`re doing ok and your children are well. Wish for every day in your lives to be better and brighter as they goes on.

    The same goes to other readers, commentators and Sergey :)

    P.S. Still waiting for the other sides version of this drama.

  15. Sergey, kā vakar tiesa pagāja? Cik no Jums sapratu, daudz no tās bija atkarīgs! Vai izrādījās, ka šī ģimene melo un un tiesa atzina Four Grains par nevainīgiem? pase

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