Sestdiena, 20. aprīlis, Pirmās Lieldienas.Varda dienas: Mirta, Ziedīte


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Great opportunity, excellent money!



01:05 25.06.2009

Post edited 17:20 – 26.06.2009 by dita
Post edited 22:30 – 11.12.2009 by dita

How are you! My name is Dita and I’d like to ask you a question!
I’ve found a great business opportunity and I am working mostly from home. The reason I am writing my note is this, I would love to ask you if you know any of your family and friends who would be interested in improving their health by using all-natural based products, food supplements and many more exclusive products. We are paid to “tell” not to “sell”!!!!! Does it make a sense to you?!!?!!

Vitality for Life – Vitamins and minerals, food supplements,
Specific health needs/conditions;
Weight management & sports nutrition;
Exclusive patented formulas;

Melaleuca Medicine cabinet – Exceptional pain relievers,
Sunscreen and first aid products;
Exclusive patented formulas not available with any other brand;

Melaleuca Bath & Body – Patented and natural technologies that help you look
and feel the way you want;
Hair care, bath and beauty products with unique
Healing herbs, soothing botanicals and essential oils;

Nicole Miller skin care & cosmetics – Patented ingredients, supplement strength
Vitamins, and skin nourishing plant extracts
Designed to reverse the signs of ageing;

EcoSence – Is more effective, safer, and economical for your home and family.

Besides that, it is one of the best business opportunities so far. If you know anyone who is looking for an extra income, I could show all the information about it. The business doesn’t involve any selling or large investments, and the products are unlike anything I’ve seen in the stores.
If you or your family and friends are interested in making an extra 400€-4000€ every month, or maybe extra 4000€ – 20000€+ a month this can easily make that happen. I would love to get together with you and other people to show you a brief presentation.

I’ll be glad to talk to you!

My mobile number is 0863494421



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