Sestdiena, 23. novembris, Varda dienas: Zigfrīda, Zigrīda, Zigrīds

Katoļu dievkalpojumi janvārī

- 03.01.2010
Sadaļas: Arhīvs, Kalendārs - Atslēgvārdi: , ,

Latvijas katoļticīgo misija Īrijā sirsnīgi aicina Tevi piedalīties dievkalpojumos kopā ar pastāvīgo kapelānu – priesteri Andri Solimu!

Kristus Kristības svētki
9. janvārī plkst. 18.30
Augustinian Church, O’Connell Street, Limerick.

10. janvārī plkst. 14.00
Holy Trinity Church, Mazāko brāļu kapucīnu kapelā (ieeja pa kreisi no dievnama centrālās ieejas), Fr. Mathew Quay, Cork.

17. janvārī plkst. 14.00
St. Mary’s Church, James Street (Dublin Road), Drogheda.

24. janvārī plkst. 14.00
John’s Lane Church, 94-95 Thomas Street, Dublin 8.

31. janvārī plkst. 15.00
St. Maur’s Church, Rush, Co. Dublin.

Laimīgu un Dieva Dēla svētītu Jauno 2010. gadu visiem tautiešiem!

Pusstundu pirms dievkalpojuma iespējama grēksūdze vai personīga saruna ar priesteri, tādēļ lūgums ierasties agrāk un nekavēt dievkalpojumu.
Ja Jūs vēlaties, lai dievkalpojumi notiktu arī Jūsu pilsētā, vai arī Jums ir kādi jautājumi priesterim par garīgiem pakalpojumiem, tad varat sazināties pa:
* e-pastu:
* Skype: Andris Solims
* tel.: 086 1773515

  1. - GERMANY saka:

    Best article, lots of intersting things to digest. Very informative

  2. mhmm saka:

    itkā tu būtu kko sapratis,D

  3. es - IRELAND saka:

    Es gan visu sapratu i no raksta i no komenta. elementaari ,vatson.

  4. sd - IRELAND saka:

    tonna iesot tadas zinas man ienaca

  5. Community - LATVIA saka:

    In this year 2009 the Bishops of Ireland were appealed twice to become the voice of God. However, they have become the voice of the world and of its lies! They have deceived the faithful and instead of the way of salvation they have offered to them the way of slavery and spiritual death. Bishop Noel Treanor as a professional liar convinced the Irish people that every Catholic may in good conscience vote for the Lisbon Treaty. Instead of dissociating themselves from this spirit of Judas, the Bishops of Ireland made unity with him. They were appealed to break with this spirit of betrayal by 11th November 2009. They did not do so, for which reason they incur the same penalty as the Polish bishops. We have to point out that as from this day, 17th November 2009, the sacraments administered by them excepting baptism are invalid. pase

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