Sestdiena, 27. jūlijs, Varda dienas: Marta, Dita

Portal baltic terms of use

  1. Portal is IMLO Lat-Ireland.Ltd property. 
  2. Terms and conditions determine the conditions and limitations that are binding on all the site’s users as well as sanctions in case of a breach of this rule. 
  3. Any Internet user has a right to the site services if this does not hit another person’s rights. 
  4. Portal reserves the right to amend the site of the product. 
  5. Portal not responsible for the articles accompanying commentary. 
  6. Portal invites readers to the site, writing comments in respect of morality, ethics and public decency, nekudit to violence, hatred or discrimination, distribute personal dignity and honor of offensive information ft without hiding behind another person’s name, not the site’s editorial collective advertising. In case the provider fails to comply with the comment above provisions, his comment can be removed without prior notice and may be denied their story Commenting opportunities. Portal have the right to inform the supervisory authorities of the alleged violation of law. 
  7. Portal users undertake not post any material which does not meet the Irish Republic of Latvia, and European Union laws and regulations and in society generally accepted moral and ethical norms (such as pornographic material content, violence-containing materials, materials advocating alcohol, drugs, etc. apreibinošu substance use, etc.). 
  8. A site user is responsible for any activities on, when the outcome is that injure or may infringe the copyrights of others. Material ievietotajs site by posting the material facts confirm that this is the author of the material, or that it requires the author’s permission to post materials. A site user who posted material, is responsible for the material depicting a person claims for material placement and claims related to copyright and related rights violations. 
  9. The chapters “Announcements” and “Forum” involved, placed the advertisement or just a personal comment. Legal person chapters to insert advertisements in the above prohibited. 
  10. Information contributors do not have the right to ask for any author or other remuneration from the site about information sent in the portal. 
  11. Any site reprinting the material is strictly prohibited without the site’s Administration permission.

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